Trinda Ernst
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Remarks of nominators Mike Law, Helen Foote and Kerry-Lynne Findlay PDF


My name is Mike Law and I am the Past-President of the Manitoba Branch.

My entry point into the CBA was through SOGIC.  I am extremely proud of the CBA’s record of supporting and promoting diversity within the association and in the legal profession.  I am not proud, however, of the CBA’s failure to show diversity in its leadership.  The election of only four women presidents in the entire history is not something to be proud of.

Trinda Ernst is someone who has a solid record of leadership and organizational skills within our association.  She is someone who has proven she can lead the CBA.

This year, under the leadership of my fellow Manitoban, CBA President Guy Joubert, the working group on overcoming barriers to leadership within the CBA was launched.  The mandate of this committee is explore ways and means to attract leaders, particularly from under-represented segments of our profession.

I think that now is the time we can break one of those barriers.  It is now time to again elect a woman president. 

It is now time for Trinda Ernst.

I am pleased to nominate her and I would urge you all to support her.

Hello, my name is Helen Foote and I am Vice President of the Nova Scotia Branch.

I am honoured to recognize Trinda’s invaluable contributions to the CBA and, in particular, to our Branch.

After many years of Executive Committee service, Trinda was our Branch President in 1999-2000 and successfully represented the Nova Scotia Branch on the National Board of Directors and at the CLC held in Halifax in 2000.

She is known as a tireless worker for our profession on our Law Day and Equality Committees.  Trinda has organized three day long seminars for legal support staff and has served on Provincial Council, starting in 1992.

In addition, at the same time, Trinda has found time for service with the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society, her local county bar society and a number of community organizations.  I invite you to visit Trinda’s web site where the details of her extensive involvement with these organizations can be found.

I have personally known Trinda for many years, and have witnessed her tireless efforts.  I am privileged to nominate her this morning.

Good morning, my name is Kerry-Lynne Findlay.  I am a Past President of the British Columbia Branch and the Founding Chair of both the British Columbia and the National Women Lawyers Forum.  Trinda Ernst, Q.C. is our current Vice Chair. 

Throughout my reasonably lengthy years of activity, Trinda has been here nationally active on Council, in Conferences and Sections, the Law for The Future Fund, Chair of Law Day and Chair of Resolutions.  Trinda has demonstrated commitment, loyalty and enthusiasm for our Association.  And on top of all this - she is a Barbershop singer!

Because she understands CBA’s goals, her vision as a thought leader is inclusive, expansive and timely.  She will champion CBA as a lifetime professional support organization because she has known and promoted its benefits throughout her legal career.

We learned yesterday that un monde sans loi, c’est un monde sans droits.

In a complex and changing world Trinda’s dedicated work ethic, her professional eloquence, her attentive mentoring and practical approach are exactly what we need.

A vote for Trinda is a vote for diversity - the fundamental ingredient to effectiveness - the way of our future.  Our nominee, notre choix pour la deuxième Vice-Présidente, Trinda Ernst, Q.C.

Speech to Joint Meeting NSC/Conference Chairs PDF

Thank you for this opportunity to speak with you today.  Je m’excuse mais il n’y a pas de
traductions simultanées cet après-midi.  Donc, je donnerai mes remarques en anglais.

I have attended two Conference Chairs meetings but this is my first NSC meeting representing a
section.  I am excited to be able to meet the people who do such amazing work for the CBA.  I
am truly in awe of your accomplishments.

For those of you who do not know me, I have a general solicitor’s practice in a small town.  I
personally rely on attendance at section meetings so I can connect with experts and become as
current as I can be in a lot of areas of law.  I also enjoy my work with the Women Lawyers
Forum for networking and mentoring purposes. 

I want to acknowledge your collective efforts for our organization, whether in CLE programs,
advocacy or outreach.

Sections and Conferences are integral and vital to the CBA’s continued success.  I would like us
to work together to find innovative ways to deliver our programs and maximize our limited
resources so we can do even more.

You already know how much work you do and how slow it sometimes seems when we wait for
translations, approval of submissions and CLE programs.  At least, that is what I have heard in
speaking with many of you.  We have to remember that, except for LPAC and CCCA, we are
sharing staff.  By partnering more with each other, we can avoid duplication of effort and
develop programs that appeal to a wider audience, resulting in more revenue and hopefully more

Last year, I suggested to the Conference Chairs that we investigate the possibility of combining
some receptions because some of us are pulled in many directions and we should support each
other by sharing our celebrations rather than competing with each other.

I know that we can explore ways to work with each other cooperatively Branch to Branch.  Let us
ask ourselves how we can do what we want to do.  What is in our way?  How can we overcome
these obstacles?  We solve problems for our clients everyday.  We have the smarts to figure out
how we can do more with less.  Our goal should be to grow our membership so we will have
more to work with in the long run. 

I will not say more in the interest of time.  I ask you to be at Council on Sunday morning to hear
my speech.  If you cannot be here, then go to my web site at next week to
read the entire text in both official languages.